The Securities and Exchange Commission prohibits firms from increasing the price for securities bought without risk if customers are not informed of price increases.
Among other things, the sanctions, which last for four days starting tomorrow, prohibit firms from soliciting or accepting orders in Tokyo from big institutional clients.
It prohibits European firms from transferring personal data to overseas jurisdictions with weaker privacy laws, but creates exceptions where the foreign recipients have voluntarily agreed to meet EU standards under the Directive's Safe Harbor Principles.
NASD says it designed the rule prohibiting firms from favoring particular mutual funds on the basis of brokerage commissions to help eliminate conflicts of interest in fund sales.
The threat comes in an EC green paper which would effectively prohibit independent firms from copying parts, said association.
It prohibits firms from concocting fraudulent schemes or from making untrue or misleading statements.
That would formally prohibit municipal firms from making political contributions aimed at winning business.
There now appears to be majority support in the Danish Parliament for a bill that would prohibit Danish firms from shipping arms to countries at war or to trouble spots.
It was the first day of trading for the stock, and with Nasdaq rules temporarily prohibiting firms from making markets in the stock, there was little trading.
This was during its "Big 8/20 20 News" period, and also around the time RKO General was forced to sell the station, due to a change in Canadian ownership rules that prohibited foreign firms from controlling Canadian licensed stations.