Plants flower for one or sometimes two years but progressively weaken until they die.
On Sept. 10, 1995, the walls of one mine complex collapsed after being progressively weakened by fires.
Childbirth caused severe respiratory problems for Sophie, which progressively weakened her.
Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society., which progressively weakened their military power.
The upper section of the interior of the hull will be progressively weakened by automatic drills.
Although the barbarians to the north and west pose a constant threat, they concentrated their attacks on the progressively weakening western empire.
Even if you can't eat some creatures, you can usually stun and damage them, a health bar appearing as they progressively weaken until death.
The system persisted with few changes down to the end of the Mughal Empire, but was progressively weakened under his successors.
If this happens, ischemia can become an ongoing (chronic) condition that can progressively weaken your heart.
Though her brother's health progressively weakened until his death in 1973, the organization Ms. Lawry founded gathered momentum.