Scientists hope clues to the biology of natural aging will come from studies that compare progressively older cells from the same person.
How would anything ever advance if you had to continually support progressively older hardware and software?
The average age of its members is getting progressively older, another sign of the group's deterioration, he added.
In the last several years, progressively older women have given birth through in vitro fertilization.
The age of the rock exposed by the river becomes progressively older as the river moves downstream for two main reasons.
The cells here date as progressively older.
As a result, the volcanoes are progressively older to the west.
Progressively older sediments outcrop toward the north of the basin.
Mrs Harkin raises an issue that is very relevant today with an increasing proportion of our population getting progressively older.
A video is played featuring progressively older photographs and progressively larger descriptive clues given to the identity of a famous person.