Although he is the son of a prominent labor and constitutional rights lawyer in Michigan, Sachs did not always have an especially progressive outlook.
His progressive and enthusiastic outlook on life makes him as strong willed as he is selfless.
The caricature was a symbol of the progressive outlook in education.
Patriotism would have greater depth right now if our surroundings reflected a more modern and progressive outlook.
This empiricist orientation and scientific temperament is also harnessed to a progressive outlook.
It called "all men and women of progressive outlook" to vote to re-elect the Churchill government.
The band's members were "on the same page" politically, sharing a liberal and progressive outlook.
This progressive outlook did not go well with certain orthodox members of society.
His dynamic and progressive outlook was something that was never expected from a sanyasi like Him.
In play production, Dhaka University students, with their progressive outlook, led the rest of the country.