He was first elected as a progressive member of the Republican Party in the 1930 election.
This book is called by the more progressive members Faith and Practice, following the late-twentieth century example of liberal yearly meetings.
Starbucks is regarded as one of the most progressive members of the Fortune 500.
On the other hand, certain progressive members of his congregation, particularly in France, considered his administrative style authoritarian and desired radical reforms.
This left the council evenly split 3 to 3 between progressive and conservative members.
Nor has China proven a progressive member of another trade club.
In her years as a legislator, she has developed a reputation as one of the more progressive members of her party.
By the late 1990s, each class included at least a few progressive members.
In 1926 he and other progressive members of Gruppo 7 issued the manifesto that made them the leaders in the fight against revivalism.
It is true, the more progressive members of our horde lived in the caves above the river.