Since the 1970s progressive increase in the size of the population has prompted development around the town and along Bury Road.
Once an area is cleared there is a progressive increase in species richness and competition takes place again.
There should be progressive increase in the sustainable growth in behalf of the government, the economy and society as a whole.
With the progressive demographic increase, El Hatillo's population is no longer exclusive to any particular ethnic group.
In Texas, traffic deaths show a progressive increase from 1976 to 1981, followed by a sustained decrease from 1981 to 1986.
Their rise was not, however, one of simple and progressive increase in variety.
Novel writing has increased with the progressive increase in literacy after the modernization of Nepal.
As can be seen, this pronunciation has to do with the progressive increase in length of this consonant.
What we think of as a progressive increase in complexity is a change in the difference between the least and the most complex organism.
There is progressive increase in the median score up to age 17, after which the increase is irregular.