When activated, it caused a progressive disintegration of the synaptic pathways.
Where some critics see a progressive disintegration of personality reflected in the stylistic incoherence of his books based on his life during the war (Guignol's Band, D'un château l'autre and Nord), others claim that the books are less incoherent than intentionally fragmented.
Neither of us could bear the thought of having to witness day by day the eventual torments and progressive physical disintegration of the other when Mergawe's poison began to operate.
The experience seemed to set up a progressive mental disintegration which produced first insanity, then paralysis, and, within a few months, death.
For Bulgaria the two decades that followed the death of Ivaylo marked the lowest point of decline of the Second Empire, with constant Mongol interference in the state's internal affairs and progressive disintegration of the central authority in favour of feudal magnates.
He had decided to begin logically, piecing together a progressive disintegration of the man.
The mass into one container would be too small to maintain progressive atomic disintegration.
Faced with the progressive disintegration of the SED-PDS, Modrow called at the ninth round table meeting on Jan. 22 for immediate talks on a grand coalition.
The mass in any one container was too small to maintain progressive atomic disintegration.
It's progressive disintegration.