Beginning in the locality of Oud Metha, E 11 progresses southward towards the interior.
For example, the third tunnel sloped slightly upwards as it progressed southward, to prevent water stagnation.
East Arlington Road intersects and begins to parallel the highways as they progress southward.
After progressing southward through barrio San Patricio, the river enters barrio Maragüez.
As the Scottish forces progressed southward, they were followed by Norwegian scouts.
The moon's path through the Earth's shadow near its descending node progresses southward through each sequential eclipse.
Now," he went on briskly, "once Jaxom is pronounced fit enough to fly between, we will progress southward, using that symmetrical mountain as our guide.
They went on at a speed of about a hundred miles an hour, and, as they progressed southward, both the atmosphere and the landscape rapidly changed.
And although data on the rate of its geographic spread are lacking, he wrote, "the plant is known to be progressing southward quickly, and could soon invade other states."
As the odd group progressed southward the landscape grew hour by hour less barren, rugged, and desolate.