Though having almost complete air superiority over Stalingrad, and with more artillery pieces than the Soviets, progress was reduced to no more than several meters a day.
The scientific and technical progress can be reduced to processes of introduction of innovations, that is consecutive replacement of instruments, materials, designs, adaptations and other objects with more perfect from this or that point of view.
"As result," he said, "the progress we had achieved this year in reducing the budget and repairing the state's financial condition has been reduced to zero."
That is the democratic overwhelming choice today .... All the bloggers who favour Sovereignty for Somaliland know that progress for Somaliland is reduced until the Re-recognition of 26 June 1960 happens ; on that day The Colonial Secretary of UK , Rt Hon Ian MacLeod , handed authority to the President of The Republic of Somaliland .
Meanwhile, in the name of secular and popular "progress", cultural heritage was demolished, including the annexes of the medieval village bordering the Palace (1911) and the nave of the Church of the Misericórdia, was reduced to the presbytery for the benefit of a simple expansion of the road.
So dense was this array of men, women and beasts that their progress was reduced to a walk.