Truth and Method is not meant to be a programmatic statement about a new 'hermeneutic' method of interpreting texts.
Durkheim authored some of the most programmatic statements on what sociology is and how it should be practiced.
The text is a programmatic statement of Jesus' ministry to preach or proclaim (Kerygma), good news to the poor and the blind and the captive.
His programmatic statement of legislative proposals is perhaps the most radical document which had up to that time ever been read out in the Greek Parliament.
Schutz's final programmatic statement of a phenomenology of the Life-world.
This is his programmatic statement of the notion of "History as Revelation".
Godfrey's tale about the Trojans and Franks was a programmatic statement.
At roughly the same time he published Structural Anthropology, a collection of his essays which provided both examples and programmatic statements about structuralism.
When that group briefly left the NDP between 1972 and 1974, it became their party's main programmatic statement.
Varnedoe insists that the exhibition should not be read as a programmatic statement.