Those who believe, with Hindemith, that a piece of music can only express itself, have always been suspicious of works with programmatic content.
But what is truly cinematic here is not so much any supposed programmatic content as the episodic structure, like that of film clips spliced together.
The composer's ideas about programmatic content are not concrete.
Yet, a listener does not have to understand the music's programmatic content to be enthralled by its inventiveness, which Mr. Temirkanov laid out compellingly.
These conceptual artists did not want their art to have any aesthetic or programmatic content, but instead often focused on the artist's self.
Stripped of its programmatic content (if that is indeed possible), the symphony is most notable for manipulative shock-effects bordering on the vulgar.
However, such editing shall not change scientific or technical data, or the meaning of programmatic content.
As far as I know, the European Economic Interest Group is currently a structure which lacks defined programmatic content.
While some argue that there is no programmatic content, it has been noted that several passages sound much like bells.
Its very vagueness and lack of programmatic content gives it a potentially universal support within its own community.