The college also offers programs for workers to update their skills or learn new ones.
Some programs can update themselves via the Internet with very little or no intervention on the part of users.
Successful programs continually update their goals in response to information systems that relay the current situation of the job market and employers' needs.
In many cases the program will automatically update the config.sys, generally after asking if this is okay.
As more dispatches poured in from the infosphere, the program would scan each one, judge its worth and update the database.
Though the film ends there, other programs update and complement it.
The programs should automatically update daily, as new viruses are created all the time.
Other programs have updated their offerings to stay competitive.
These programs will automatically update themselves regularly - often even daily - to guard against the latest virus mutations on the Internet.
His online program and recent books have updated that plan with a system called the "Cruise Down Plate."