However, as the threat diminished, the program shifted towards smaller systems designed to defeat limited or accidental launches.
If it rains, the program will shift to Thursday at the same hour (358-7652).
He blinked and stared again at the screen, where his program shifted and changed until it reformatted itself into a three-dimensional image.
The program soon shifted to career training.
Since 1996 the programme has shifted to the Southern Avenue boulevard.
These programs have shifted to using child time-out and response-cost procedures to ensure that clients rights to effective interventions are met.
The controlling program shifted the scene between the five best views he had discovered in his initial survey.
This became evident as patterns of disbursement under Education for All programs shifted over the next decade.
"The court system's new matrimonial program shifts the focus from winning and losing in these cases to humane resolution," Justice Kaye said.
The program shifted focus to developing munitions that were not only improved but those that could be delivered by high speed aircraft and balloon.