Cablevision owns or has a financial interest in several program services.
"Our ability to deliver program services is limited only by our imagination."
In these reports, you should be able to see the major expense categories, including program services, management/operation and fund raising.
Once an event is received, the program services the event, then returns to the beginning of the next wait cycle.
So far, Trakker is the only company that has an interactive electronic program service up and running.
The two officials insisted the charity's budget and program services had not been affected.
Case workers do not force rules, regulations or program services until they are requested.
Ninety-one percent of couples participated in at least one program service.
Criticisms resulted in plans to improve program services, by for example serving children above and below preschool age.
A year later the 75th Convention took an expantion to plan women's athletic program services.