The program ranked within the Top five theatre schools in Canada in 2006.
The program ranks carriers by relevance and appropriateness for all shipments.
At the end of its first season, the program ranked 99th of 103 series.
The program compares higher education facilities' sustainability initiatives and ranks them based on their efforts.
The men's program ranked as the best in the Big 12 Conference and No. 15 nationally.
The women's program ranked as the second best in the Big 12 Conference and No. 20 nationally.
After its debut in January, the program ranked among the 10 most popular for preschoolers.
However, it soon developed a sizable adult audience such that by 1954, the program consistently ranked in the top 10 shows broadcast on a Saturday.
This program continually ranks high in the state with respect to test scores.
It is currently ranked 64th, with a part-time program ranked 12th.