These instructions have single-byte instruction opcodes, reducing the amount of program memory required by their frequent use.
JMP: all 13 bits are used as an absolute address in program memory.
The 8096 also had on-chip program memory lacking in the 8061.
The program memory will contain a long list of words that will tax the resources of most children.
Then I can rewrite the program memory from permanent storage, and the virus will be erased.
This program memory was still volatile and would be lost if power was turned off.
The first step, fetch, involves retrieving an instruction (which is represented by a number or sequence of numbers) from program memory.
The HP-67/97 series featured a program memory of 224 eight-bit words.
This is the mechanism used by an operating system to increase the amount of program memory available on demand.
The MK-61 has 105 steps of volatile program memory and 15 memory registers.