The program insures about 33 million pensions in plans sponsored by a single employer and covers about one-third of the nation's work force.
Of course, all the super-saver programs, fast lifts, snappy service and ambitious business plans can't insure a stellar winter.
The programs focus on infants who are at risk for chronic health or developmental problems and insure access to health and other social services.
This program insures regular and thorough reconsideration, and improvements where necessary.
"In addition, by helping to raise money for the many community-action groups, the program also insures full participation of the New Haven community."
As of April 2010, the program insured about 5.5 million homes, the majority of which were in Texas and Florida.
One way to do this is to create programs to insure maximum use of recyclable materials.
Even so, Mr. Carter said, the program insures that inmates will be on their best behavior and becomes a glue to hold families together.
The Adopt-a-Student program is a special opportunity to touch a life and insure a value-centered education.
Metering programs can insure that there are no more concurrent users than licenses, or vice versa.