Membership fees and program fees from the 16,000 active members fund the entire $8.3 million budget of the agency.
Travel expenses to and from the program are not included in the program fee.
This program fee creates a "place" and a set of benefits for an incoming student.
In 2012, income from memberships, donations, and program fees covered less than half of the center's $2 million budget.
Free admission to the museum, and program fee, $8 a day.
The park is open year round, except Christmas Day, and does not charge an admission, parking, or program fee.
Foreign trips, of course, can mean expenses beyond air fare, program fees and spending money.
Residents must hold a job and pay monthly program fees.
Additional income is generated through the Museum Shop, special events, catalog sales and program fees.
The judge ordered him to pay the $205 program fee.