The program has since devoted a five-part segment to the illness, which also prompted calls to doctors' offices.
The Aboriginal Voices radio network also airs a weekly program, hosted by Plex, devoted to First Nations hip hop.
For that presentation only, the program departed from its usual newsmagazine format and devoted the entire ninety minutes to a complete presentation of the recital.
A daylong program devoted to the writer and historian.
Every program devoted to 20th-century music?
Then the program measures the quality of that approximation and devotes more time to analyzing the regions that are rendered poorly.
The two-hour program, which still begins at 7 A.M., will henceforth devote the second hour to a single topic or personality.
Prime-time magazine-style programs devote virtually no time to political matters, governance or issues like national security or social welfare.
I sincerely regret that the programme does not devote sufficient attention to the needs of disabled people.
Both programs devote much time to their domestic news and function best as news-from-home for expatriates or language lessons.