One such program, aimed at America's youth, centered on drugs.
The program centered on improving links between citizens and policy makers to increase responsiveness and transparency, promote good governance and reduce corruption.
The programme centred on an English teenager named Paul who is haunted by apocalyptic dreams.
Bismarck's program centered squarely on insurance programs designed to increase productivity and focus the political attentions of German workers on supporting the Junker's government.
The second programme, Fire Wars: Murder Most Foul, centred on one investigation.
The program centered on the role of money in politics, the Wall St. Bailout and potential solutions, such as reversing Citizen's United.
The programme centered on Britain's addiction to 24-hour news channels.
Five composers were represented, but this program wisely centered its time on two of them.
Mr. Gaidar's program has centered on restricting the money supply while letting prices rise in order to strengthen the ruble and prod market forces.