It has filed reports accounting for the expenditures involved in programs backed by Rockefeller clients.
He surrounded himself with collaborators bent on reform policies and began to apply the programme of the Goudi revolutionaries, strongly backed by public opinion.
Now, the Guambiares' program, backed by some financing from the Colombian Government, is a showcase for crop substitution.
The playing was deft yet forceful and let us know from the start that this would be a program backed by technical sureness and confidence.
For most of its history, Head Start has been a hugely popular program, backed by Democrats and Republicans alike.
It is one of 10 state companies that the Government has agreed to privatize as part of a long-delayed economic program backed by the World Bank.
In the conservative political climate of the late 1940s many of the programs backed by the WCF would be ultimately reversed.
The first targets of the program backed by the Sloan Foundation will be the ailing automotive and textile industries.
But FDA's pediatric program, backed by federal laws, has helped propel more clinical trials to be conducted in children.
Both men are considered to be among the staunchest advocates of programs backed by the Polish leader.