Favorable prognostic features included the following:
In addition, low p27 expression correlates with higher mean Gleason scores, a number of prognostic morphological features, and decreased survival [ 2 3 4 ] .
O'Sullivan and colleagues (2008) identified early autonomic dysfunction to be the most important early clinical prognostic feature regarding survival in MSA.
Polymyalgia rheumatica and temporal arteritis: a retrospective analysis of prognostic features and different corticosteroid regimens (11 year survey of 210 patients).
It is agreed upon that patients with tumors exhibiting poor prognostic features would benefit the most from adjuvant therapy as these treatments substantially improve overall survival for women with breast cancer.
The length of remission depends on the prognostic features of the original leukemia.
The presence of B symptoms and extranodal disease at the time of relapse are adverse prognostic features.
Patients who require more aggressive forms of treatment are those with extensive multifocal recurrent disease and/or other unfavorable prognostic features.
Resectability of the tumor is a critical prognostic feature because osteosarcoma is relatively resistant to radiation therapy.
Each category contains several recognized diagnostic entities resulting in nearly 100 different types of hematopoietic cancer, each with defining morphology, pathobiology, treatment, and/or prognostic features.