Bending at the knees and waist is an expression of profound spirituality and connectedness to the earth.
The truly curious thing, he thought, was that in the aftermath of everything that had happened this evening, the profound spirituality of Bennie's grandfather's world seemed perfectly believable.
It is a style that some read as effeminate, some as a manifestation of deep depression, some as profound spirituality.
The Jesuits, with their passion for intellectual inquiry and profound spirituality, became the "confessors to kings" in Europe and self-sacrificing missionaries elsewhere.
Dr. Cohen, a Jew, blended a profound spirituality with a broad understanding of science and clinical work, his colleagues and friends said.
Especially in this season of soaring spirits and profound spirituality, we refuse to focus on the downside of every up.
Matare's work varies from the pleasing simplicity of his animal forms in which he explores shape and line, to the profound spirituality of his religious works.
His entire life speaks of profound spirituality, unblemished service and countless miracles.
He had the gift of marrying considerable scholarship with profound spirituality.
His deeply religious family life (his mother was a Seventh-day Adventist and his grandmother a Revivalist) imbued him with a profound spirituality.