Among the orders I received were often many which could only have been the result of the profoundest ignorance.
This, it seems to me, is where animal rightists betray a profound ignorance about the workings of nature.
Every word you say betrays your profound ignorance.
With that knowledge comes the discovery of the Prices' own profound ignorance.
This profound ignorance gave rise to all those superstitions which in the present enlightened age are regarded with such astonishment by thinking minds.
Most primary school teachers were poorly educated and religious education was almost non-existent; there was profound ignorance of the gospel.
And, in their profound ignorance, they might seek to put themselves in our places, and that would be-not to be thought of.
Despite three decades of efforts to educate physicians and the public, there is still profound ignorance about what is normal blood pressure.
Usually such profound ignorance like this is commonly found in the 18th, not the 21st century.
All we know is our profound ignorance in both cases.