Early communication researchers described physiological sensations experienced while giving a public speech as "profound discomfort".
Looking around the room, studying the occupants' faces, Ezri was not surprised to find that nearly every person exuded a profound discomfort.
As a consequence, patients may feel a profound anorectal discomfort and have minor leaking.
Long before that, Saul was feeling a profound discomfort.
Even his most casual encounters with paper can exude an edgy yet sympathetic sense of both the comedy and profound discomfort of the human condition.
Worf noted the fact with profound discomfort.
After an hour of ponderous stroking he was in profound discomfort.
People who love the messy urbanism of traditional cities may feel profound discomfort at this apparent repackaging of the urban realm.
She masked her profound discomfort with an intensity of anger she didn't really feel.