Heather struggled to keep her mind clear, trying to detect the reason for such profound amazement.
Ringing telephones remained unanswered while the members of Smedley's staff stared in profound amazement.
The barrier swung inward; Debrossler stopped on the threshold in profound amazement.
Then, as Ruth's fire stopped, Keith saw the girl's face, its amazement profound.
To Sisko's profound amazement, everything was as it was before.
His face took on a profound amazement.
Ben had turned his head and was looking at the child again with profound amazement.
The first emotion that stirred Barnaby was one of extreme and profound amazement.
Then, to his profound amazement, Zed grinned at him and winked.
As the man's eyes fell on the page he started, and an expression of profound amazement grew on his features.