The commission said Mr. Jett "utilized this anomaly in the trading and accounting systems to generate the appearance of profitable trading and to conceal actual trading losses."
However, they soon recognised the advantages of their new location, which offered opportunities for profitable trading, among other things.
Some of the most profitable trading on Wall Street, especially within hedge funds, involves complex, innovative products known as derivatives.
This infuriates Marty who sees the plans of the investment bankers stealing capital away from his consistently profitable trading while putting him under pressure to bring more capital into the bank.
Our merchant fleet of five fine ships was bearing south after engaging in profitable trading with the Megalithic cities of the far west as we knew it.
He also said that brokerage firms sometimes tipped the agency off to highly profitable, short-term trading in customers' accounts.
At present they were enjoying the morning sunshine, the cool breeze, the blue sky, and the prospects of another week of profitable trading.
First came the disclosure that Tyson's general counsel had guided Hillary Rodham Clinton's unusually profitable trading in cattle futures.
Mr. Phelan's only other call for further investigation involved Mallightco's profitable trading in Delhi (pronounced DEL-high) and Supron stock.
There now followed a period of stability and 5 years profitable trading: during 1995 the company produced in excess of 160,000.00 tonnes of animal feeds with a value of approximately £27,500,000.00.