But Mr. Devine disputed these concerns in an interview today, saying that Ford's profitability had been increasing across many models.
In 1947, the basic substrate sugar was changed with the cheaper by-product molasses and the production and profitability increased steadily.
Over all, J. P. Morgan's profitability, as measured by return on shareholder equity, increased to 14.9 percent from 13.9 percent last year.
The company's profitability, measured by return on equity, increased to 14.3 percent, from 11.9 percent, but is still far below its levels of a couple of years ago.
Over this period, the profitability of the footwear business increased 150% and the company posted record results in 2002.
Assuming its pricing assumptions are robust, a company's solvency and profitability actually increases when a new policy is written.
It opened in 1797, and its profitability steadily increased until 1841.
Russian companies' profitability has also increased substantially, having almost reached last summer's levels.
During this time, farmers engaged in the market production as the relative profitability increased.
Sales increased tenfold from under $200 million to more than $2 billion and profitability increased more than twentyfold over that period.