Oregon Steel's productivity was also helped by a profit-sharing program that distributes 20 percent of the company's profits to employees.
He was notable for creating a profit-sharing program for employees, the first in America.
The profit-sharing program, which last year paid out more than $40 million to 12,000 employees, is contingent on annual earnings.
This loss, however, would not affect most bonus and compensation programs, the bank said, adding that it did not have a profit-sharing program.
Money is not an issue for Mr. Griffith, who benefited from Southwest's profit-sharing program and a lifetime of careful saving and investing.
On April 7, it announced that it would freeze its pension plan and shift to a profit-sharing program.
Our profit-sharing program also has created a family atomosphere within the company.
For seven years, Bill Ferrigno has run a profit-sharing program for the half-dozen employees in his construction company in Connecticut.
But most of all, they take part in a profit-sharing program.
While many employees are still enjoying the incentive awards and rarely seen payouts from profit-sharing programs, the unusual inevitably becomes the expected.