Distributism favors the dissolution of the current private bank system, or more specifically its profit-making basis in charging interest.
The idea of putting the plantation on a profit-making basis rather than making it only self-sustaining was something they simply could not grasp.
Under the terms of that sale, Mr. Perot agreed not to compete with E.D.S. in the computer services industry until 1990 on a profit-making basis.
Agricultural production was also stimulated by official encouragement to establish free farmers' markets in urban areas, as well as in the countryside, and by allowing some families to operate as "specialized households," devoting their efforts to producing a scarce commodity or service on a profit-making basis.
It's really a matter of principle, too, you know--if you let the government, any government, do these things directly, it takes decades to get things on a private-enterprise profit-making basis again.
You must not risk your neck in space flight until you have this thing on a profit-making basis, so that any competent manager, such as George or myself, thereafter can keep it solvent.
The term "diploma mill" originally denotes an institution providing diplomas on an intensive and profit-making basis, like a factory.
And we voted against all the amendments that could endanger or restrict the giving of blood on a voluntary and non profit-making basis.
I am also astonished at the sweeping proposal for a non-profit system of this sort, even though it is far from being proven that such a model would be preferable to a system run on a profit-making basis.
He pointed out how all the retirees whose pension funds invest in Cypress would suffer if Cypress were run on anything other than a profit-making basis.