Under this system, when profits shrink in hard times, like now, income can stagnate or decline, regardless of inflation.
But profit in private banking shrank 39 percent and the bank's asset management business lost many big customers.
He figures his profit will shrink at least 10 percent this year, even after he raised prices.
While the companies will continue to earn profits from insurance, those profits have been shrinking because of competition.
But instead of raising prices to accommodate these costs, he said, companies will absorb them and profits will shrink.
Mr. Cliggott expects profits to shrink next year by 10 to 15 percent.
At a time when profits are shrinking like wool thrown into a dryer, it is a message that sells.
Most companies are losing money, and profits are shrinking at those that are not.
As profits in the industry shrank, the company became highly leveraged.
As competition heats up, the profits in the notebook market should shrink.