Having seen its profits rebound last year to $1.05 billion from a net loss of $511 million in 1992, Philips is now feeling prepared to act.
She said that domestic profits have probably rebounded as the company pruned its office staff and sent more sales people into the field.
Analysts predict Racal's profits could rebound over the next few years.
But because Texas Pacific has not sold many of its holdings in the second fund, profits on these investments could rebound.
On Wall Street, meanwhile, profits and pay have already rebounded.
When profits rebound, companies will add jobs and lease more space.
Since then, the bank's profits have rebounded and its stock price has more than doubled, closing yesterday at $26.25 a share, up $1.25.
Corporate profits have rebounded sharply, by about 15 percent, since October.
After more than a year of weak growth, corporate profits rebounded in the first quarter, the Commerce Department reported yesterday.
Our productive capacity is greater, the skills of our work force are at an all-time high, and profits have rebounded sharply.