Shipments and profits in the steel industry may have peaked after nearly two years of steady increases.
Their profits continued to rise for the next five years and peaked to Rs 84.1 ($1.1 billion) billion in 2006.
Annual profits peaked early, in 1974, at $43 million, and gradually declined.
"It would have been very difficult to acquire those companies in 1986," when loan volume and profits peaked, Mr. Taggart said.
The company's sales and profits from electronics peaked in 1999 and have been heading downward since.
Operating profits peaked in 1994, and although the stock price kept rising, it did not keep up with most stocks.
The company's after-tax profit peaked at A$132 million in 2006, but by 2008 had deteriorated to a A$63 million loss.
The company's profits peaked at that time at $18 million.
M&S's profits peaked in financial year 1997/1998.
Annual profits peaked in 1974, at $43 million, and then gradually declined until last year, when the corporation reported its first operating deficit, of $1.1 million.