The extra markups were a big profit generator for many firms' municipal bond departments in the early 1990's, he says.
But the corporations that own the networks expect their news divisions to generate a profit, and the evening newscasts are not the profit generators.
'If we maintain our market share, the container business is going to be a strong cash and profit generator.'
Moreover, they were image builders and big profit generators for their automakers.
Analysts say the new services have the potential to be pure profit generators.
"We know that the soft-drink category in and of itself is a great profit generator for retailers," Ms. Howes said.
Drug makers including Merck gained amid optimism they will be dependable profit generators as economic growth weakens.
Moreover, landfill management is no longer the soaring profit generator it was only recently.
The new Express offerings will not be a big profit generator for Microsoft.
But it is counting on biotech to be the profit generator of the future.