- the establishment of locally owned businesses, with employees owning shares in the company they work for, and any profit generated from it.
Everyone knew this was going on but the vast profits involved generated a convenient blanket of economic hypocrisy.
Potential markets for materials can be identified and profit generated if extraction cost is brought down.
According to researcher Siddharth Kara, the profits generated worldwide by all forms of slavery in 2007 were $91.2 billion.
In addition, The profit generated has to be used for charity in order to qualify for tax exemption.
Student activity fees and profits generated through the bookstore support these clubs.
After that, the profits the product generates all count toward the general bonus pool.
Interest was allowed to be charged, and profits generated from holding other people's money.
He notes, too, that the profits they generate increased 147 percent from the early 1980's to the early 90's.
Ford said its 1988 profits would generate $460 million in profit-sharing payments, or more than $2,800 per employee.