Rising production costs force businesses to raise prices or risk watching their profits dwindle.
Banks have sought to increase their commercial lending as profits on Government securities have dwindled.
As profits dwindled, the Fleischers had to frequently request loans from Paramount and eventually had to surrender their shares of the studio.
The franchise expires in the year 2000, but as the profit has dwindled, the Governor's anger has grown.
It said the investigations began after European producers complained that they had seen profits dwindle or were facing losses because prices were being forced down.
The trading took place beginning in 1993 and was discontinued earlier this year after profits from the strategy dwindled, Wilshire said.
"As a consequence, tax revenues related to surging income from capital gains, stock options, bonuses and corporate profits may now dwindle."
Earlier this year, profits in the corporate lending group dwindled with a decline in merger and acquisition activity and a drop in real estate financing.
Consequently, your profits over the past years have dwindled so drastically that for the last six months you have been paying overhead with bank securities.
The outlook for Chrysler has looked increasingly bleak in recent months as the company's sales and profits have dwindled.