For a public realm is, very simply, a place that can exist even though someone isn't directly profiting from it.
The two men profited directly from his death.
Though Behr didn't profit directly from his work on the show, he may get to write the book of the show.
They want to profit directly from the information they gather.
America Online never profited directly from its instant message service.
The State did not directly profit from allocating these lands.
Shouldn't companies that might directly profit from it have some clear voice in its direction?
At least 300,000 of the country's 30 million people are estimated to profit directly from the drug business, and many more derive indirect benefit.
He didn't profit directly from the board's use, nor did its lack of use have a significant effect on his bottom line.
But my feeling is that since the rest of the world directly profits from America's 'absurd wars' that they should pitch in.