Personal profiles indicate most people don't change, and you have to base a society on the most probable patterns.
The profile indicated a likelihood he would kill again.
However, profiles of the website indicate an annual profit closer to $20 million.
The psychological profile I have on him indicates that he'd rather be burned alive than break his word.
In the summary it is important to comment on what the profile of results indicates regarding the referral question.
This social profile indicates that cattle stealing was not primarily a crime of the depressed classes.
Mira's profile indicates he'd want constant praise and attention during the game, so it's possible he's got a partner - likely a female, strong personality.
Several early profiles indicate how constrained her childhood was.
However, the students soon discover that they were selected because their profiles indicate they are the ones most likely to become villains.
Well, the profile indicates he sees himself as a highly successful businessman, one of impeccable taste.