The point of becoming a proficient reader is to fluently read and comprehend what had just been read.
Just as basketball players and musicians practice their skills daily, so must students practice so that they become proficient readers.
Whatever the trigger, proficient readers react to a comprehension breakdown by using a number of strategies in a planned, deliberate manner.
But by the time those kids had reached the sixth grade, they were proficient readers.
Shared reading is an instructional approach in which the teacher explicitly models the strategies and skills of proficient readers.
Shared reading also provides a safe learning environment for students to practice the reading behaviours of proficient readers with the support of teacher and peers.
McCarthy places a focus on literary arts in an effort to teach its students to become proficient and strategic readers and writers.
Theirs is a district where 90 percent of fourth graders score well enough to be regarded as proficient readers.
Mastering each of these subskills is necessary for students to become proficient readers.
She was not a proficient reader in French, and this was her chance to improve.