Those students who are not exempt in the proficiency exam of the English language department enroll in the two-semester intensive English preparatory program.
He said only about 40 percent of high school students were passing the annual proficiency exam.
Fewer than 25 percent have taken and passed the association's proficiency exam.
Dr. Corda says his proudest accomplishment has been increasing scores in the state's mandatory 10th-grade proficiency exams.
That group, which began taking the test in ninth grade, is the first in New Jersey required to pass all three areas of the proficiency exam to get a regular diploma.
Title I programs, Math and Language Labs provide students with assistance in passing proficiency exams.
He learned English and got high marks on the proficiency exam as well as on the standardized test for graduate school.
This year, for the first time, Princeton required incoming graduate students from foreign countries to pass an oral proficiency exam in English, before permitting them to teach this fall.
Failure to pass the proficiency exam often reinforces their own feelings of deficiency and starts them on a downward cycle before they have even begun their regular college program.
When qualifying for the tac team, you have to take proficiency exams in a variety of weaponry.