"Imagine you're on a boat floating on an ocean," Bashir said in a professorial tone.
He also needs to adopt a less professorial tone.
She will tell you in the most professorial tones that never in a million years did she dream she would go into business.
"Giving order to space," Tirza says in a professorial tone, "is a central issue in how people relate to places."
'That's part of it right there,' he told her, reverting to his professorial tone.
"Only time will tell," said Hamlin, assuming an even more professorial tone.
"You must think of this world in engineering terms," Kynes said, in a professorial tone.
At this point both will begin to salivate heavily," Erasmus said in a professorial tone.
You know, this is all rather interesting," Picard began, adopting an almost professorial tone, "especially in light of the wreckage we've just found.
"I think," Samshow said in his best professorial tone, "we are about to have some mysteries answered."