She is professionally successful, has been married for more than 20 years, and has a large and [from all outward appearances] happy family.
Babbitt is professionally successful as a realtor.
She is trying to combine that feeling of obligation and the desire to contribute with her ambition to be successful professionally.
Though professionally successful at Corona, Read continued to suffer a disruptive home life with his mother and her partner.
Is she really saying that for a woman being successful professionally and having a happy home life are mutually exclusive?
It is possible to be female, professionally successful and personally fulfilled - if you are on the right road for you.
I'd be curious to know if a man could be as professionally successful as Jobs could achieve that without being so personally flawed.
Though hard working and professionally successful, Ram Prakash was not interested in a business career.
These personal circumstances are not unusual for a woman of her generation, especially not for a woman who is successful professionally.
A person can be highly educated, professionally successful and financially illiterate.