I was there in April when we received a very professionally edited videotape - it was of one of the hijackers giving his farewell-to-the-world speech.
Importance of blogs The Yahoo search system is not about blurring the lines between professionally edited news and that from blogs.
The main difference between these sites and YouTube is the nature of the content: it is full-length and professionally edited.
Conference Proceedings - professionally edited, perfect-bound volume with 36 papers.
The Gazettes started as an experiment: a professionally edited, officially sanctioned "fan magazine" published electronically.
Although professionally edited, the work stays true to the "K4K" genre by retaining the child's voice.
Some of these recordings were professionally edited and released as bootlegs, majority of these videos ended up on the video-sharing site, YouTube.
More recently "multi-author blogs" (MABs) have developed, with posts written by large numbers of authors and professionally edited.
It is a professionally edited and refereed journal, led by a national committee of practitioners and academics.
Both were professionally edited and both have good covers (the first my own, the second produced by a professional).