Instead, she said, the agency prefers to transport passengers to station stops, which occur every two to three minutes, and let professionals tend to them.
The professionals tended to be persons held in high esteem in their field, and the merchants were those from a prestigious trade.
Now the professionals tend to sit in Washington, many of them in fact single-issue lobbyists, and work at political technology.
Many professionals tend to prefer face-to-face networking over online based networking because the potential for higher quality relationships are possible.
Most mass affluent households and college-educated professionals tend to be center-right or conservative on fiscal issues.
Sufferers are often stigmatized, because both medical professionals and the general public tend to think that pain from a psychological source is not "real".
Unless we are paranoid freaks, many IT professionals tend not to believe the evil of the hackers out there today.
"Black professionals who simply quietly do their jobs tend not to be very newsworthy," he said.
In the upscale neighborhoods where professionals tend to live, however, it is much rarer for a child to become a police officer or a firefighter.
Successful professionals also tend to work long hours.