Rabagliati is described as small in stature but tenacious and professional.
Friends attributed his ability to bridge the last two mayoral administrations to a professional stature that transcends partisan politics.
They date rarely and find fewer suitable men now that they have gained professional stature and learned to treasure independence.
Behind it sat a man whose physical appearance was out of all keeping with his professional stature.
For most of Anna Freud's later years, a placid private life combined with steadily rising professional stature to grant her considerable contentment.
Diminutive and shy despite her professional stature, it is hard not equate Ms. Rosenzweig with Arcadia.
But he's also a lot more sensitive than most people of his professional stature.
As recently as several weeks ago, Mr. Kudlow seemed to have regained his former professional stature.
The real story is one of firings from teaching posts and inflated representations of his professional stature.
Gale has since asserted that Glover's demands were excessive for an actor of his professional stature at that point in time.