They are often accompanied by the Aberdeen Sinfonetta orchestra and professional soloists are brought in for the main concerts.
Several professional soloists and dancers were added to the troupe in the first few years at this location.
In fact, its reputation is such that world-class, professional Canadian soloists have come back time and again to perform with the choir.
This production involved his own school choir, the choir of the Girls' High School, and some professional soloists.
Over the years a significant number of well-known and well-loved professional soloists have taken part in Oxford Harmonic Society concerts.
They perform a major oratorio each spring with professional soloists and orchestra.
John King directs this recently formed volunteer chorus, with professional soloists and orchestra.
The choir performs with professional soloists and orchestras and mixes new music with its extensive repertoire of traditional works.
The Cambridge Philharmonic aims to perform ambitious programmes, and has a long tradition of working with professional soloists.
The expansion to full orchestra accompaniment with professional vocal soloists created the need for increased funding.