At a local Go club, when two professionals play, the handful of spectators are careful to remain quiet and discreet.
There were no lengthy professional tours during those two years, however, and the best professionals played only a few tournaments among themselves.
The top 40 professionals will play in a pro-am on Friday.
Shearson has also tightened some of its rules on how its professionals can play the market themselves.
Can professionals really not play in anything other than calm perfect weather conditions?
In fact, only a few professionals ever played high school football in Westchester.
These professionals play a crucial role in providing the necessary strategic guideline for the promotion of its product.
The shell game that political professionals play with the campaign laws has taken an encouraging hit in the House.
In addition, the professionals will be playing without three amateur partners for the first time in the tournament.
Lack of respect is what the Americans sense from everyone else when the world's best professionals play for their national teams.