Some have called for a master's degree to be the minimum standard for professional licensing as a civil engineer.
The book hypothesizes that professional licensing artificially restricts the supply of services and raises prices.
The answer lies as much in political reality as it does in the educational component of professional licensing.
The company administers tests for professional licensing and examinations for employees of corporations like Microsoft.
Require proof of professional licensing before selling "salon use only" products to stylists.
Develop and promote professional licensing for those providing services to assess the quality of IT application software.
The company provides services to clients all over the world in need of international credential evaluations for academic studies, employment, immigration, military and professional licensing.
I have a question regarding professional licensing.
Foreign titles may be utilized as a foundation for recognition of professional licensing.
The body is also responsible for the examination of student nurses and midwives that leads to the award of their professional licensing.