He gave up his surveying work for good in the 1970s and was from then on a professional composer.
Playing the piano was one thing, but a woman was not expected to be a professional composer.
"Once identified, they'd be given private lessons with professional composers."
Once a week for 13 weeks, through non-musical means, a professional composer works with children to help them create their own music.
Jon is no closer to being a professional composer, and so, in his eyes, the workshop has been a failure.
The family included a number of professional composers and performers.
Meanwhile, those professional composers, well inside the classical tradition, must work with what they find at home.
In the same year, still being 16 Fabian experienced his breakthrough as a professional composer.
Practically nothing is known about him or his life, or even if he was in fact a professional composer.
She was the first woman to become a professional composer in Moldova.