Some semi-professional digital video camcorders (and most professional camcorders) use this technique.
In April 2012, Panasonic announced it would incorporate LiveU technology into a professional camcorder.
Consumer and many professional camcorders do not use PsF to record 24-frame/s video; instead they either record it natively in progressive form or apply 2:3 pulldown.
In 2010 Canon released its new lineup of professional file-based camcorders.
"Cops" Begins in 1988 on Fox Crews using professional camcorders tag along with on-duty police officers.
Ten operators of professional camcorders shoot video for the debut season.
These professional digital camcorders work on the same basic idea as cheaper consumer models.
Other than frame rate, the main difference between a professional camcorder and a consumer model is image quality.
Editcam is a professional digital camera system manufactured by Ikegami and first introduced in 1995, available both as professional camcorders and modular dock recorders.
Sony produces professional and prosumer camcorders.